Data Standardization and Product Management

Industrywide Product Catalog

Standardized data has long been a challenge in the shooting sports industry. Each manufacture provides a different set of product specs making it difficult to segment and compare products accurately. SCOPE PLX provides a standard set of fields for each product category aligning products while helping manufacturers manage their product catalog in a single place.

PLX Features

  • Standardized data for the shooting sports industry
  • Onboard, edit, and manage products and photos in one location
  • Product data distribution to distributors (coming soon)
  • Drives all product data across DLX and CLX
  • Creates the most accurate product data in the industry


PLX Is Free To All NASGW Members

Schedule a Time to Get Onboarded with PLX

Standardized Data

PLX provides a consistent, standardized way to list and compare products based on their category and product type.

Product Onboarding

Manufacturers will be able to onboard products including photos and standardized product specs for the industry. One input that feeds out to all NASGW wholesalers (data feeds coming soon).

Product Catalog Integration

PLX can integrate with manufacturers' digital product catalog allowing a seamless product feed directly into PLX.

Catalog Distribution

PLX is designed to also integrate with NASGW wholesalers, feeding them the PLX product catalog with all standardized data helping manufacturers to easily distribute products throughout the distribution channel through a single source.

Ready to access the most comprehensive sales and inventory data within the Shooting Sports Industry?

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